Frequently asked questions.
do i need an appointment?
Yes! We offer easy online booking for piercing related services, just pop over to the piercing page and click the book an appointment button. Occasionally we have open same day appointments and can sneak walk in clients into those openings.
Our tattooers work mainly by appointment, with walk in availability, depending on the day. if you want to try to walk in, we recommend contacting the artist or calling the studio first.
How much does a piercing cost?
We have a wide variety of jewelry, so pricing can vary quite a bit. The pricing shown on our booking site is for the service only, jewelry not included. Most single piercing services with simple jewelry start around $80-90, depending on placement. Pairs start around $130-170. Gold options go up from there. We do offer some speciality services and those can start a little higher.
Do we pierce children?
We do not work on clients under the age of 10. We offer a range of age appropriate placements for 14 and older.
Make sure to check ID requirements, we do need to connect everyone on paper.